Support ex.pat.ed

by making a video!

Thank you for making the time to make a video, details are below.

The purpose.

The purpose of the videos is to encourage & inspire students through real-world experiences. Think of it like a virtual mentoring program!

We need conversations.

Of course, we don’t all have the same supportive foundations and access to knowledge & resources. Yet, this is crucial to help build confidence, direction, and drive! So, the goal is to share advice, lessons, and stories that will be talking points for children to expand on in conversation.

The details.

Length of video: 3-5 minutes

Framing: horizontal

Content: see the video above for content ideas

>> Save the video to Google Drive (don’t forget to change the privacy setting)

>> Email me! :) Title the email “Expat Ed Video Mentor”

Click the links below to see examples of recorded videos!

> Click here to see a Brazilian professor talking about her field of sustainability! {More professional focus}

> Click here to see a Swedish friend talking about trying new things {More personal focus}

Take a peak at just one class of ten-year-olds thinking about their interests and future adventures. There are so many places to go!